
Math Definitions - Letter G


Definition of Gram

Definition of Gram

A gram is a metric unit for mass. There are \(1,000\) grams in one kilogram.

The scale in the picture measures mass in grams: from \(0\) grams up to \(2\) kg, which is \(2,000\) grams.

The abbreviation for grams is g.


The aim of this dictionary is to provide definitions to common mathematical terms. Students learn a new math skill every week at school, sometimes just before they start a new skill, if they want to look at what a specific term means, this is where this dictionary will become handy and a go-to guide for a student.



Year 1 to Year 12 students

Learning Objectives

Learn common math terms starting with letter G

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 6th Feb 2018

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