
Getting started with Six Sigma

Six Sigma Key Elements

There are three key feature of Six Sigma Improvement Process:

  • Customers
  • Processes
  • Employees 

The Customers:

Customers are the center of company they speak about quality. They expect reliability, performance, on-time delivery of services, clear and correct transaction processing and competitive prices. In every attribute that influences customer’s perception we know that just been good is not at all enough. It is necessity Delight Customers. 

The Processes:

Quality requires us to look at our business from the customer's point of views not ours. In other words we should look at our processes from the inside and outside. By analyzing the transaction lifecycle from the customer's needs and processes, we can discover what are they feeling and seeing. With this knowledge we will be able to identify areas where we can add significant improvement or value from their perspective. 

The Employees:

A company should involve all its employees in the Lean Six Sigma program. Company must provide incentives and opportunities for employees to focus on their talent and ability to understand and satisfy customers.

It is important to Six Sigma that all team members should have well-defined roles with measurable and quality objectives.


This tutorial is an overview on Six Sigma. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process. There are 13 parts to this tutorial as given below

  1. Six Sigma Introduction
  2. Six Sigma Key Elements
  3. Six Sigma Organization
  4. Six Sigma Get Started
  5. Six Sigma Methodology
  6. Six Sigma Define Phase
  7. Six Sigma Measure Phase
  8. Six Sigma Analyses Phase
  9. Six Sigma Improve Phase
  10. Six Sigma Control Phase
  11. Six Sigma Technical Tools
  12. Six Sigma Defect Metrics
  13. Six Sigma Summary



If you want to get an overview on Six Sigma, this tutorial series is for you to read.

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 18th Feb 2015

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