Living things have a variety of external features
This video lesson will give you a start with knowing living and non-living things, we will cover various examples, however we will specifically emphasize on PlansElaborat...

Physical and chemical changes
An absolutely beginner's lesson on everday materials Elaborationspredicting and comparing how the shapes of objects made from different materials can be physically changed...

Features of local environment
In this video lesson, we will discuss the features of local environment and will answer questions such as what is an environment

Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape
In this video lesson, we will look a bit closely on knowing the short and longer term patterns of events that occur on Earth and in the sky, such as the appearance of the moon...

Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed
This video lesson has 4 videos introducing you to range of sub-topics includingrecognizing senses are used to learn about the world around us: our eyes to detect light, our ears to...

Matter (shapes of objects can physically change)
This is 2 part video lesson mainly on the matter. Your coach will specifically talk about predicting and comparing how the shapes of objects made from different materials can ...

In this video lesson, your coach will touch base on the topic of Gravity, In essence, you will be introduced to it. This is not an advanced lesson on Gravity, however will help you...

Human growth and characteristics
In this video lesson, In this lesson, you will learn how humans grow and how do they change. We develop physically, socially and intellectually, as we grow.Study of huma...

In this video lesson, You will learn about what reproduction is.We will be introduced to a couple of important factsFirstWe will observe that all animals have offspring, usually wi...

Material Recycling
In this video lesson, you will identify materials such as paper that can be changed and remade or recycled into new products(Filed under Chemical science/Different materi...