Free video lessons for Foundation to Grade 8 students

SubjectCoach | Understanding the purpose of a text

Understanding the purpose of a text

In this video lesson, we will analyse how text structures and language features work together to meet the purpose of a text Elaborationscomparing the ...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Identifying features of non-fiction texts

Identifying features of non-fiction texts

In this video lesson, we will explore and identify features of non-fiction text. We will be applying appropriate text processing strategies and interpreting structur...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas

Strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas

In this video lesson, we will use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and d...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | To plan non-fiction texts

To plan non-fiction texts

In this video lesson, we will look into planning, drafting and publishing imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures,&...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Proof reading

Proof reading

In this video lesson, out aim is to show Grade 6 students how to edit and proofread your own and other's work.Proof reading your work before handing it over is a skill that eve...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Handwriting style

Handwriting style

In this video lesson, you will learn how to develop a handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic. Your coach will cover this topic in length.Elaborationsusing handwrit...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Using word processing software

Using word processing software

In this video lesson, we will look at using word processing software and utilize it for selecting and combining software functions as needed to create texts

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Analyse strategies authors use to influence readers

Analyse strategies authors use to influence readers

In this video lesson, your coach will discuss and analyse strategies authors use to influence readers. We will identify how authors use language to position the reader and giv...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 6/English
0 0 0