
Time units

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 29th Nov 2015

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This Video lesson is all about time units. Tutor will explain time units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and up to a century. This is a classroom style lesson and does not involve cartoon and will challenge your little one's IQ. They will ask various questions. Be ready to answer them out.

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 29th Nov 2015

Please get in touch with your teacher or tutor in case you have a question related to this lesson

None just yet!

Be it Seconds, Minutes, Hours, and other time units or time labels. Tutor goes on to explain which unit is smaller than other and what value of a time unit makes another time unit. e.g. 60 minutes makes an Hour. This lesson will definitely challenge kids IQ and they will ask you many questions. Be ready to answer those :)