Chocolate Heaven Adventure Wellington

Are you addicted? The pursuit of Wellington's finest chocolate will lead you on a sweet dark adventure. One of temptation, seduction and rejoicing! Wandering through Wellington's shopping district, you'll get up close and personal with New Zealand's most prized chocolate eateries, our sweetest temptations and our beautifully preserved buildings and really great local shops! Quick Summary: Chocolateries Gothic and Tudor Buildings Contemporary design shops. And a few of Wellington's secrets. You may want to bring: Wellington map Camera Fabulous chocolate, pastries and fudge range from $1-4 each, they are handmade and are not included as part of this adventure.

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General rates information
Not provided
Phone and website contact
+64 27 420 8378

Location for this activity
Chocolate Heaven Adventure Wellington
35 Braithwaite Street,
Wellington Central, 9016,

Location Chocolate Heaven Adventure Wellington
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