Zealandia by Night tour

Your guide will lead you through our sanctuary valley by torchlight, in search of the distinctive sights and sounds of New Zealand bush – including kiwi! Possible sights: Kiwi foraging on the forest floor, tuatara hunting for food, glow-worms shining, tiny Maud Island frogs in their enclosure, kākā (parrots) coming in to roost… Possible sounds: The high-pitched call of kiwi, the ghostly echo of the ruru (morepork), the scritch-scritch of tree wētā, the skraark of kākā and the rustling of other nocturnal creatures. Little spotted kiwi: Over 100 of these nocturnal birds live freely in their natural environment inside the safety of our sanctuary valley - so your chances of finding one are good and your guide will help you.

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Phone and website contact
+64 4 920 9200

Location for this activity
Zealandia by Night tour
Waiapu Road,
Karori, 6012,

Location Zealandia by Night tour
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