The Boat Shed - Days Bay

The Boat Shed - Days Bay is a family and community-friendly kayak, SUP and Mountain Bike rental service operating out of the beautiful Days Bay in Eastbourne. Come see us for freedom rentals of watercraft and mountainbikes, and explore Wellington's beautiful harbour and surrounds. Orca and dolphin sightings not unusual over Summer! We're all about getting as many people into as much awesomeness as possible, so for a limited time we're operating all of our Kayaks on a Koha basis until 12pm each day. Koha is a maori concept of mutual grace and giving - translated to kayak rental, this means that you can just turn up, jump into a kayak, and pay us whatever you think that's worth. Simple really!

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General rates information
Not provided
Phone and website contact
+64 4 562 8150

Location for this activity
The Boat Shed - Days Bay
Marine Drive,
Days Bay, ,

Location The Boat Shed - Days Bay
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