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Radicals and root Calculator ( $\;√^n{x}= ?$ )

You would use this calculator to find Nth root of a number. More specialized calculators such as the 5th root calculator can be found here, 5th root calculator, and the 4th root calculator can be found here 4th root calculator

Enter value of radicand $x$ and index $n$, $√^n{x}$
$ n = $
$ x = $

Examples Radicals and Roots equations

  1. The 5th root of 32, or 32 radical 5, is written as $√^5{32}=±2$.
  2. The 3rd root, or cube root, of 27 is written as $√^3{27}=3$
  3. The 5th root of -1024, or -1024 radical 5, is written as $√^5{-1024}=-4$.