
Descriptive writing skills

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 31st Oct 2016

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Aim of this video lesson is to practise our descriptive writing skills to create effective settings.


  • identifying and discussing the use of descriptive adjectives (‘in the middle of a vast, bare plain’) to establish setting and atmosphere (‘the castle loomed dark and forbidding’) and to draw readers into events that follow
  • discussing the language used to describe the traits of characters in stories, their actions and motivations: ‘Claire was so lonely; she desperately wanted a pet and she was afraid she would do anything, just anything, to have one to care for’

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 31st Oct 2016

Please get in touch with your teacher or tutor in case you have a question related to this lesson

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- identifying and discussing the use of descriptive adjectives (‘in the middle of a vast, bare plain’) to establish setting and atmosphere (‘the castle loomed dark and forbidding’) and to draw readers into events that follow

- discussing the language used to describe the traits of characters in stories, their actions and motivations: ‘Claire was so lonely; she desperately wanted a pet and she was afraid she would do anything, just anything, to have one to care for’

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